In this photo, Janelle is 27 weeks and I am 23 weeks! Ah, photo documentation of our growing bellies!

Ethan has been going to bed well in the last month in his big boy bed. This bed is still his crib, but converted into a day bed. Lately, Ethan has been getting out of bed and coming into the living room numerous times a night. I finally gave up putting him back to bed over and over and put the baby gate in his doorway. After some crying Ethan was quiet. I went to go check on him and this is where I found him. I thought this would be a one night occurrence, but Ethan thought differently. I thought it was so cute I left him in the chair until Tim got home so he could see it for himself. Our Little Man showing his independence.
Ethan is growing like a weed! He now has 11 teeth. Yup, that's right 11!! In the last week alone he has had 4 teeth pop through his gums. It hurts so bad he bites himself if he doesn't have a nuk, poor guy... Soon, we should have a little break in the department.
Our Newest Family Adventures