Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tooth Number...
Fifteen! There is another on the way as well. Hopefully soon!! Have a wonderful Monday morning everyone.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Even More Words
Ethan has added a couple more words to his vocabulary. What a busy month learning so many words! The newest ones are: bubbles, ice, move, elbow, yellow=ellow, and Knee Knee. We haven't figured out what the last one means but it could be any one of the following: Lily, Molly, Snuffy, or Ginny. He hasn't told us which one he means yet, but we are working on it. Have a wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
More Words
It is so unbelievable how quickly Ethan is learning new words. Since I last posted about his new words, Ethan now has added these words as a part of his vocabulary: eat, me, nap, juice=jewp, clock=gock, moo, baa, eyes, and knees. Ethan has also put 2 word sentences together. One morning while I was still sleeping, he pointed to my eyes and said: "ni-night Mama." Ethan also said "Ella ni-night," as he pointed to the crib while he was playing with Daddy. Ethan is growing up so fast!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ethan Kissing and Hugging Baby Ella
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Fixing, Fixing, Fixing
Playing with Grandma Dinky
Ethan and Grandma Dinky played at Eden Prairie Centers play area before his haircut on Saturday. He was all over the place, thank goodness Grandma Dinky was there to chase him!! I was too tired to run around after Ethan as he climbed up on everything. He was so tired on the way home, he immediately fell asleep in the car. I didn't even have time to leave the parking lot. Too bad I didn't get a picture of Ethan out cold in the car.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ethan's New Words
Ethan has been so verbal lately! So many new words are being added to his vocabulary that I am forgetting what they are in order to write them down. Here are the ones I have remembered and documented thus far: bum, beep, ni-night, ba pa (grandpa), da dow (Briscoe), ball, Joe(teenage helper at school), owie, Elmo, apple, Ella, mine, hot, and all done.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ethan and Lily
Monday, February 8, 2010
CD Release Party for the Brian David Band Featuring Tim Krueger!

Monday, February 1, 2010
New Words
Ethan surprised us this weekend with a couple of new words. While we were packing up and getting ready to go home from Grandma and Grandpa Boyd's on Saturday night, Ethan pointed to a picture on the wall and said "apple." The pronunciation was so clear, it was too bad they were oranges. I took out a book and found an apple and pointed to it and he repeated "apple." It was so fun to hear!
On Sunday, Ethan was playing with Daddy and Elmo in his bedroom. Daddy asked Ethan if he could say "Elmo." Ethan did! It was a pretty great couple of days at the Krueger home this weekend!
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