The Krueger's had a busy week. Ethan, Ella and I had our first week home together. We went to school to visit all our friends and we were able to get outside for many walks during the beautiful weather. Ethan was excited to get to ride in both the wagon and the stroller.
Ethan and Ella were lucky enough to have Auntie Allison come and hang out with us on Friday. We loved being able to celebrate her birthday with her!! What a fun day! All of us went to Ella's first doctor's appointment. Ella now weighs 6 pounds 8 ounces; 25%. She is 19 3/4 inches long; 50% and her head is 13 1/4 inches around; 25%. Our doctor said she was perfect. Ethan even got to help by holding the doctor's light and looked in to Ella's mouth. Lucky for Ella, there were not any shots at this appointment. Then, the whole crew went to Costco and ate our way through the store. The cinnamon rolls were the best. They were so good, some of them ended up coming home with us.
On Saturday, the whole family went to the open house at the new Twins stadium. What a great time!! We walked all around the stadium, had lunch and even sat in our seats. Ethan loved running around and climbing up and down all the stairs. Later that night, Ella's belly button fell of so we were able to give her a real bath at home. Ethan was so excited to help, although Ella was not nearly as enthusiastic. :)
Today, Grandma Dinky and Grandpa Boyd came over to 'play.' Grandpa and Daddy worked really hard remodeling the basement, with a little help from Ethan. Grandma Dinky made us lunch and dinner along with dessert, as well as washing and folding all our laundry. Thank you!!
What a wonderful week!