Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend at the Camper

Ethan driving with Daddy.  He actually did drive and Ethan tried to drive us into the ditch a couple of times.  He is a strong Little Man!!

This was Ethan's first time in a swimming pool and most certainly was not the last.  We went swimming twice and it was a blast.  Ethan loved it so much he did not want to leave.  I could have had a sleeping baby in the pool if I would have let him have his way...

Ethan driving again.  He was screaming so loud in the picture above!  He loved it!

This was a sight to see!  Ethan and Lily taking a bath together.  Ethan kept hugging Lily over and over again.  Then Lily would laugh and Ethan would follow.  Of course the peanut gallery did as well.

More hugging and a couple rounds of 'row, row, row your boat.'

It was a wonderful weekend and we all had a blast!  Ethan saw his first fireworks display and loved it (Briscoe hid under a table).  First swim, first driving experience, first time at the camper; lots of firsts and definitely not the last!  Even Mom and Dad were tired.  We were asleep before E on a couple of occasions too....

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