Ethan had a big weekend followed by a busy Monday morning. First, on Friday, Ethan had his Christmas Program at school. He was to sing and shake bells to Jingle Bells and sing and do actions to We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Ethan did not sing as he does not have the words yet. What he did do is shake the bells walking in, then as he saw and realized how many people were there, he cried and sat on Mommy's lap. Then he cried even harder and even the nuk did not help to tone down the cries. Ethan recovered as soon as he saw Grandma Dinky and ran to her. Later, he found Grandpa Bob and Daddy who were sitting by Great Aunt KD and Great Grandma Krueger. Life was good again. Grandpa Bob came over to our house afterwards and Ethan ate dinner with him and Daddy. Ethan had bath time and play time with Grandpa Bob as well. Lots of laughs were had by all!
On Saturday, Ethan went to our friends Erik and Melissa's new home for our game night/Christmas gathering. What he truly loved was eating a cookie and playing with their two dogs, Puk and Frankie (an eight week old puppy). That and Ethan was able to see all of his tall friends!!
On Sunday morning, the whole family went to church together and sat together. This is a rare occurrence as Tim plays every Sunday and is sitting up with the musicians and we are in the pews. Boy did Ethan love to sit with his Daddy! During the service he began to get fussy and proceeded to fall asleep on Mommy. After a busy morning, we went over to Grandpa Boyd and Grandma Dinky's house to celebrate Christmas. Ethan ate more cookies and unwrapped some presents, although he was more interested in the many vacuums Grandma Dinky has all over the house (and yes, he is getting one for Christmas from Mommy and Daddy). He loved the drum from grandma and the flashlights from Grandpa. Ethan was toast by the end of the night. He didn't even wake up when I transferred him from the car to his big boy bed.
This morning, Ethan went to the doctor for his eighteen month check-up. Now I can officially say he is a year and a half!! Ethan weighs 21 lbs and 11 oz; the 5%. He is in the 50% for height. The doctor took one look at him and said, he is just fine, he is so energetic (we knew that already). He is growing consistently and eats well most of the time. He is just a skinny and tall young man.
What a weekend!!!